Shubham Mishra: Securing Against The Evolving World Of Cybersecurity Threats

Business APAC
6 min readDec 12, 2019


Today, businesses from diverse sectors are using cloud services to collect and store confidential information & data that are transferred across networks. Here, the role of cybersecurity increases as its key objective is to limit risk and protect networks, computer programs, and information from attackers with malicious intent. However, one of the most problematic elements of cybersecurity is the continually evolving landscape of security risks and advanced persistent threats. Thus, organizations are looking for people who have mastered the skills to secure networks and to protect systems, computers, and data from attack, damage and/or unauthorized access.

The Founder, Director, and CEO of TOAE Security, Shubham Mishra believes that the role of cybersecurity will become even larger in the personal and professional lives of humans. He predicts that the future of cybersecurity is tightly connected to the longer term of knowledge technology and also the advancements of the computer network. He has been a strategist blessed with amazing knowledge of technologies as well as a huge motivator for critical assignments and supervises all the engagements between the clients and the team.

A Leader with a Passion for Building Cybersecurity Solutions

Before reaching a new height of success, every company faces numerous challenges. Similarly, TOAE has paved its route to success by conquering various hurdles. After witnessing so many cyberattacks all over the world, Shubham started thinking of new possibilities of it in his mind. Having cybersecurity background, he thought about doing something to prevent current and emerging cyberthreats. At the same time, Big Data was also introduced to the market, which he took as an opportunity to get indulged with. Recalling that moment, he states, “Keeping both the things in mind along with my passion for cybersecurity, I started researching the vulnerabilities. I needed to drill down to why these things matter to the world?” The competent leader also observed that companies frequently look at their core values in direct correlation with the data they have. So, after a lot of researches and discussions, he decided to establish TOAE where everyone is on the same page and working to secure the world against cyber-threats.

Growing As A Strong Leader By Facing Obstacles

Entrepreneurs overcome several difficult situations and unpleasant experiences while establishing their business. But, Shubham is different from the other leaders present in the industry. As a matter of fact, he likes challenges and is always ready to face them. Since beginning of his business, he has faced numerous obstacles and conquered with his sheer determination and passion. The CEO asserts, “I feel like I even have grown exponentially as someone through the challenges I’ve long-faced, and this, in turn, has helped me to bring a lot of worth to the business. From time management challenges to creating positive costs are right to handling customers.” After conquering, the versatile leader was able to grow and reach new height of success and become worthy of his customers. This was instrumental in keeping him focused and going forward.

Offering Diverse Solutions

The rising internet penetration and an increase in the frequency of cyber-attacks in enterprises across various sectors have pushed enterprises to shift their businesses to cloud platforms. The growing migration and transformation of companies into cloud platforms is exposing them at higher risks of cyberattacks. This is where TOAE steps in to secure the data and safeguard against any attacks. Since its inception, the company has been continuously delivering remarkable services to its clients by addressing most of their pain points. “We’ve never thought of what our competitors do and how? We’ve done our business otherwise than them,” says Director Shubham.

The leading company has taken an oath for its customers to surprise them with new solutions which may be very simple to integrate.

  1. Services and consulting: The company reinforces clients’ internal resources and has expertise in today’s threat landscape by delivering bespoke cybersecurity solutions.
  2. Endpoint protection: It delivers software system patches that protect PCs, laptops and mobile devices by covering all the possible entry points of attacks.
  3. TOAE-CERT: If the client is already broken, then report back and let TOAE-Cyber Emergency Response Team take over. The team certainly helps to urge their services back to traditional at intervals hours.
  4. Cyber Maturity: The skilled team offers Cyber Maturity services that assist clients to rationalize the correct security technologies to protect vital workloads, applications, and knowledge in an extremely cloud-enabled world.
  5. Cloud Security: Clients need security when they migrate their information on the cloud. So, the team provides the expertise to help them to reduce the risks of cloud migration.

Open Work Culture Promoting Teamwork

Teamwork holds a highly valuable place in organizations. It is a significant catalyst that enables smoother movement towards targets, prolong forward momentum, and help teams to overcome obstacles. Team members use teamwork to spring up new ideas before picking a development path for a project. The CEO asserts, “A strong team is the inspiration of high-performing business and a decent team ethic will be command mostly accountable for the success and sleek running of the organization.” He further explains that if individuals who don’t match among the company culture, they will not work properly as well as will not give their best to perform tasks. So, the dynamic leader with his team tends to follow the open work culture, where all the employees sit on a constant floor and obtain a transparent understanding of the vision of the organization.

Upcoming Security Challenges

As a cybersecurity expert, Shubham presumes that there are many security challenges lying ahead in future. These challenges are related to AI Expansion, Blockchain Revolution, IoT and Infrastructure Attacks, and Social Engineering Attacks. These issues will not only damage the business landscape but also increase the cybercriminal activities. Organizations will have to train their staff to fight against any attacks. They should also be diligent in verifying the security practices and procedures of third-party suppliers, vendors and partners in order to reduce threats and minimize risk. Therefore, he has created an outline to prevent and safeguard from the threats.

  1. Organizations should conduct frequent cyber risk assessments and implement smart knowledge security safeguards and observance systems such as exploitation encoding, multi-factor authentication, or disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) answer.
  2. They should focus on creating a framework for in progress threat management, operational oversight, risk management as well as implement robust confidentiality policies. They should keep regular reviews of getting businesses with whom partnered; document plans to handle threats and mitigate the impact of attacks with a knowledge backup solution.
  3. Companies should monitor all employees’ activities and when they resign, ensure that the offboarding method removed their access to sensitive data.

Moving Forward Together To Achieve Goals

Creating milestones is a key to moving business forward as it helps companies reach their short-term and long-term goals. Today, Shubham and his team are working together to complete their set goals which are to protect people and organizations from cyberthreats. These goals are related to different areas:

  1. Accelerate security responses using AI: Because of the emerging of new trends, it is necessary to update the security solutions which are supported by detection engines engineered on human-made logic. This is where AI technology can accelerate the identification of the latest threats and responses to them, serving to dam attacks before they’ll unfold wide.
  2. Phishing attacks transcend email: Email remains the #1 attack vector as cybercriminals are using a type of alternative attack vectors to trick their supposed victims into abandoning personal data, login credentials, or perhaps causing cash. Also, phishing includes text-based attacks on mobile devices or the use of electronic messaging on social media and recreation platforms.
  3. Growing mobile malware attacks: In the primary half of 2019, the number of mobile banking malware attacks increased by 50% as compared to 2018. Such malware would steal payment information, passwords and funds from the bank accounts of victims, and there are new versions out there for widespread distribution by anyone willing to pay the creators of the malware. Phishing attacks will become additional refined and effective, luring mobile users to click on malicious web-links.
  4. The rise of cyber insurance: Industries and public-sector agencies must purchase additional cyber-insurance policies in order to fight against cyberattacks. Insurance companies can still direct their policyholders to pay ransoms, as this may be cheaper than the associate-attack compensation rates. Thereby, driving additional attacks and quick growth for the cyber insurance business.

The Secret of Cybersecurity Sector

It is said that cyber-attacks always come from an external actor but in reality, cyber-attacks do not always come from external actors. The TOAE Founder remarks, “Your cyber-attack could be from someone working at your organization right now or from someone working at one of your vendors right now.”

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